Joy is an upcoming American biographical comedy-drama film written and directed by David O. Russell. The film is about a struggling single mom of three children, Joy Mangano, who invented the Miracle Mop and is the president of Ingenious Designs. It stars Jennifer Lawrence as Mangano, Robert De Niro, and Bradley Cooper. The film is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2015 by 20th Century Fox.

Writing and casting[edit]

In January 2014, it was announced that David O. Russell's upcoming project would entail rewriting and directing a drama film about the life story of American inventor and entrepreneur Joy Mangano, a struggling Long Island single mom of three children.[2] Russell set Jennifer Lawrence to play the lead role in the film, which John Davis and John Fox would produce for Davis Entertainment along with Ken Mok, with 20th Century Fox to hold the distribution rights.[2] In early November 2014, Russell said it is "a great opportunity to do something neither Jennifer nor I have done." He also revealed that he would like to cast Robert De Niro and create a role for Bradley Cooper to star in the film.[12] On November 11, it was reported that De Niro was in final talks to re-team with Russell and Lawrence in the film to play Mangano's father.[13] They worked together in the 2012 film Silver Linings Playbook, and then De Niro made a cameo in 2013's American Hustle.[4]Russell was rewriting the script by Annie Mumolo.[4] On November 17, De Niro confirmed his casting, saying "Yes I am going to do something with them. I am going to play a father."[4] In early December 2014, Cooper was officially set to star along with Lawrence, playing an executive at the Home Shopping Network who helps Joy by giving the Miracle Mop a boost.[5] On December 8, Édgar Ramírez was cast as Tony Miranne, Joy's former classmate at Pace University and now ex-husband.[6] Additional cast members, includingIsabella RosselliniDiane Ladd, and Virginia Madsen in unspecified roles, were revealed on February 17, 2015.[7] Isabella Crovetti-Cramp will be playing young Joy.[3] In February another working title was revealed, which was Kay's Baptism.[14] Elisabeth Röhm's casting as Peggy, sister of Joy Mangano, was revealed on February 27, 2015


Principal photography began in February 2015, after De Niro completed the shooting of Dirty Grandpa.[4] Filming was originally set to begin on February 9, 2015, in Boston,Massachusetts, making this Russell's third film shot in the area.[15][16] Due to snow in the city, filming was rescheduled to begin on February 19, on Federal Street in Wilmington, MA, lasting through February 26.[17][18] But principal photography on the film began in Boston on February 16, 2015.[7][19][20] On February 19, Lawrence was spotted filming with a little girl, her on-screen daughter.[21] On February 20, Lawrence and Ramirez were on set filming.[22] In Wilmington, filming lasted until February 26, 2015.[23] On February 27, 2015, Lawrence posted on Facebook to deny the rumors about her clashes with Russell on the set of the film, saying, "David O. Russell is one of my closest friends and we have an amazing collaborative working relationship. I adore this man and he does not deserve this tabloid malarkey. This movie is going great and I’m having a blast making it!"[24]After wrapping up in Wilmington, the production moved to North Reading, where shooting took place March 2-4, 2015.[14] Filming in North Reading again took place on March 11 and 12.[25] On March 17, 2015, crew was spotted filming in Winchester, MA.[26] On March 23, filming took place in North Reading.[25] On April 4–7, Lawrence and De Niro were spotted filming in Lynn, MA.[27] On April 11-13, crews were seen setting up for filming to take place on Washington Street in downtown Haverhill, MA, on April 14.

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